Email ‘blackmail attempt’ !
There are a rash of emails being sent out which try to scam you out of money on the threat of videos being taken of you via your webcam. These emails are, in general, being generated from a breach on a company that you’ve been using in the past. In some cases the password has […]
1st August 2018
5 minsJust because you spoke to Company X, it doesn’t mean the next call from them is genuine!
There are many telephone scams out there and you need to keep your guard up! If you’ve not been reporting in communication with a company then you’re more likely to be cautious as the call is “out of the blue” – but things can go wrong if your guard is down because you recently got […]
13th September 2017
3 minsWindows 10 free Upgrade – Time is running out!!
If you are intending to take the free upgrade to Windows 10 from a qualifying O/S (Windows 7, 8 & 8.1) you need to start planning to get this done soon, as the free offer runs out on 29th July 2016. After that it will cost approx. £100 to get this upgrade. I’m aware […]
28th June 2016
2 minsWindows 10 – what happens after I reserve my upgrade?
“Well, I’ve clicked on the ‘Get Windows 10’ icon on the taskbar and given my email address. Now what Happens?” We’ve seen the first of the emails coming back from this process 1. It comes from ‘Windows’ ( – if it comes from anywhere else be careful! 2. It’s subject is ‘You’ve reserved Windows 10 – […]
21st July 2015
1 minBackups – Cloud or Local?
Protecting your data is more important than ever these days. The number of fake emails which contain code or links to malicious web pages which will encrypt your data and then demand a ‘ransom’ to unencrypt it are increasing. There are a number of ways to back up your data – cloud services (Google Drive, […]
20th July 2015
4 minsWindows 10 – not long to go!!
Windows 10 arrives on July 29th 2015. This is being made available free to all machines which currently have a legitimate copy of Windows 7 or Windows 8 installed. This is as long as the upgrade is performed within 365 days of the launch date – so you can do this early or wait a […]
17th July 2015
2 minsUntil Superfish fix, Lenovo devices can’t be trusted for secure work
Millions of Lenovo owners are being warned to not use their desktops and laptops for “any kind of secure transaction,” amid concerns that the company installed adware on their machines.
20th February 2015
1 minHow secure is the data stored on your computer?
With the recent news headlines from the TV and newspapers about the latest security threats to your computers, you could understandably be thrown into a panic. These latest threats are specifically written to attack PC’s running Windows, so if your computer doesn’t run Windows – Stop right here. This does not affect you – but […]
3rd June 2014
3 minsWindows XP support ending
If you have been following Microsoft security news recently, you are likely aware that support for Windows XP ends on April 8, 2014. It is important to note that after this date, customers running Windows XP will no longer receive new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free or paid assisted support options, or online technical content […]
7th November 2013
1 minCryptolocker ransomware
This is one to be wary of – I’ve seen a couple over the last few weeks and it’s nasty. It tends to be contained inside an attachment which looks like it’s a PDF. The sources that I’ve seen are many HMRC, various parcel services etc. It should be noted that a pdf will travel […]
7th November 2013
1 minWindows 8.1
If you’re already using Windows 8, getting 8.1 is sort of a no-brainer. Although the improvements aren’t mind-blowingly spectacular, many of them are useful, such as customizing the split screen between multiple apps, better multi-monitor support, a more configurable start screen, and a lock screen that acts as a slideshow. Windows 8.1 allows you to […]
7th November 2013
2 minsSmall Business Server the end is nigh!
Microsoft officially announced that as of July 5, 2012 their Small Business server product family is end-of-life and will no longer be available for purchase. Microsoft Small Business Server was designed to provide small businesses with cost effective access to Microsoft’s enterprise products such as Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft SQL. SBS Microsoft Small Business Server’s […]
7th November 2013
3 mins